Guarantee the continuity of your operation

MCS's priority is the care and protection of your devices, guaranteeing the efficiency of medium and low voltage electric current circuits, isolating faults from electrical systems such as: overvoltages, harmonics, overloads, short circuits, transients and voltage and Sags and Swells.

Our highly trained staff's mission is to efficiently implement the most up-to-date and innovative solutions. We have the most sophisticated measurement tools and equipment on the market, which guarantee and certify the quality of our facilities and implementations.

Emergency plants

Emergency plants

Take care of your equipment and ensure the continuity of your business in the event of power supply failures.

Electrical installations

Instalaciones eléctricas

Leave the reception and distribution of electrical energy in the hands of experts, guaranteeing the right functioning of your devices.



Allow power supply for a limited time, for example in a blackout, thanks to its battery and other elements.

Voltage conditioner

Voltage conditioning

Able to correct the drop or high voltage in a power line automatically and ensure a stable voltage for the correct operation of electrical appliances.

Wind and solar energy

Wind and solar energy

Invest in technologies that, in addition to helping the planet, help reduce expenses in your company.

Energy storage

Energy storage

Keep a certain amount of energy stored in any form, to be used when required.


Garantice la continuidad

Asegure el suministro continuo de energía y evite pérdidas debido a cortes eléctricos prolongados.

Ahorro de costos

Al implementar una solución integral en energía, estará ahorrando en sus cuentas de luz, además de evitar pérdidas de equipo por variaciones de tensión.

Ayude al ambiente

Con soluciones de energía alternas, además de ahorrar, estará contribuyendo a un mejor ambiente.

Mejora de la productividad

Mantenga activo a su personal y evite la suspensión de labores operativas o administrativas debidas a cortes de luz.

Inversión a largo plazo

Al contratar una instalación y mantenimiento profesional esta garantizando una larga vida útil de sus equipos.

Adelántese a los cambios

La tecnología de energías renovables se vuelve cada vez más accesible, mientras que el precio de los combustibles aumenta.


¿Why MCS?

Profesional Consulting

Profesional Consulting

Certified Staff

Certified Staff

Operative Structure

Operative Structure

Service Center

Service Center

years of experience

+20 years of experience

Let's talk

Contact us to design a customized solution. Our technology specialists have a solution to your needs with the best brands in the market for your IT, network and communication requirements.